da ja immer welche bzgl. des zufallszahlengenerators rummeckern, hier mal
der tatsächlich benutzte code dazu... übe große mengen ist er definitiv
gleichverteilt - hatte ich irgendwann mal getestet mit x-millionen
durchläufen über 'nen 100er bereich. wie's bei wenigen iterationen
aussieht, hmm... wer weiß...
in der zugehörigen h-datei steht nix weiter drin, bis auf paar referenzen.
gaussian_noise wird überhaupt nicht benutzt. und am anfang wird, zur
initialisierung, set_seed( 1432776498L ); aufgerufen - das wäre evtl.
'n kritikpunkt, weil, hmm, naja, so gesehen durchläuft der immer die selbe
der skillcheck benutzt einfach random_int(1000) (bzw. in eScript RandomInt)
If (difficulty>=0)
If (chance>1)
If (chance>1)
Var randvalue:=RandomInt(1000);
If (CInt(chance*1000)>=randvalue)
// erfolgreich
dieser code is aber eigentlich für den zufallskram unerheblich.
also, viel spaß beim schnüffeln am randomizer... und im p.s. der code
SGPC: Simple Genetic Programming in C
(c) 1993 by Walter Alden Tackett and Aviram Carmi
This code and documentation is copyrighted and is not in the public domain.
All rights reserved.
- This notice may not be removed or altered.
- You may not try to make money by distributing the package or by using the
process that the code creates.
- You may not distribute modified versions without clearly documenting your
changes and notifying the principal author.
- The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
explicit claim or by omission. Since few users ever read sources,
credits must appear in the documentation.
- Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software. Since few users ever read
sources, credits must appear in the documentation.
- The authors are not responsible for the consequences of use of this
software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from flaws in it.
If you make changes to the code, or have suggestions for changes,
let us know! (gpc@ipld01.hac.com)
* $Log: random.cpp,v $
* Revision 1.1 2003/01/02 16:45:48 syzygy
* Changed C files to CPP
* Revision 1.1 2002/10/10 10:00:28 syzygy
* Transferred from VSS
* Revision 1.1 2002/10/09 14:31:29 syzygy
* transferred from VSS
* Revision 2.9 1993/04/22 07:39:12 gpc-avc
* Removed old log messages
* Revision 2.8 1993/04/14 04:53:06 gpc-avc
* Finished modes for checkpoining
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "random.h"
int gaussian_noise_toggle;
float gaussian_noise_uniform1, gaussian_noise_uniform2;
float gaussian_noise_temp;
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
/* definitions for the random number generator (seed * GEN % MOD) */
#define GEN 16807
#define MOD 2147483647
#define QUO 127773
#define RES 2836
static long seed;
void set_seed(
unsigned long s
seed = (long)s;
unsigned long get_seed(void)
return seed;
float park_miller_randomizer(void)
float retval;
retval = (float) (((double) PMrand(&seed)) / ((double) MOD));
return retval;
/* Park-Miller "minimal standard" pseudo random number generator */
/* Implementation by Jan Jannink (c) 1992 */
long PMrand(
long *s
long tmp;
tmp = (*s >> 16) * GEN;
*s = (*s & 65535) * GEN + ((tmp & 32767) << 16) + (tmp >> 15);
return (*s -= (*s < 0 ? MOD: 0));
float gaussian_noise(
float mean,
float sigma
float gauss;
if (gaussian_noise_toggle) {
gaussian_noise_uniform1 = (random_float(1.0));
gaussian_noise_uniform2 = (random_float(1.0));
gaussian_noise_temp = (float)sqrt(-2.0*log((double)gaussian_noise_uniform1));
gauss = gaussian_noise_temp *
else {
gauss = gaussian_noise_temp *
gaussian_noise_toggle = ! gaussian_noise_toggle;
return mean + (sigma * gauss);
float random_float( float f ) // 0 <= random_float() < f
float retval;
retval = (float)(f*(1.0-park_miller_randomizer()));
return retval;
int random_int( int i ) // 0 <= random_int() < i
int retval;
retval = (int) (i * random_float( 1.0 ));
if (retval >= i)
fprintf( stderr, "Random number range exceeded, blech (i=%d, retval=%d)\n", i, retval );
retval = i-1;
return retval;